ServiceMax open new EMEA HQ

Dec 10, 2015 • videoservicemaxSoftware and Apps

It's been a long standing reply to companies seeking to put their press releases in a publication I've been working on whether it be in field service, finance, insurance or any of the other various industries i've worked in in my years in publishing...

"I'm happy to look at anything you think is news worthy" I would say "however, please try and make it something of interest, our readers aren't generally interested in whether you've moved office etc"

While ServiceMax hopping from one side of the great city of London to another may be the catalyst for this video, the story that lies within it is actually something that I think will be of interest to readers of

And then along come ServiceMax who basically did just that, however they did it in such a fantastic way with this video that I felt it was worth breaking my hard fast rule on this one occasion. Why? well not only does the video have a great sense of humour to it (which is always a sure fire way through this wizened old journalist's gruff exterior) but actually while ServiceMax hopping from one side of the great city of London to another may be the catalyst for this video, the story that lies within it is actually something that I think will be of interest to readers of i.e. the rapid rise of a field service software provider that have gone from start-up to a leading organisation within their sector within less than a decade.


Understanding what has made so many field service organisations turn to ServiceMax to help them move into the standards of service expected by 21st Century customers is perhaps akey indicator into what the challenges are for field service companies and how our industry is evolving.

So for the first time in my publishing career. Ladies and gentlemen I'm here to announce ServiceMax have moved offices. Watch the film above to find out more.



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