Rugged tablets captures lost revenue and speeds up response times 

Dec 10, 2013 • HardwareNewskmp designsmotion computinginvoicingrugged tablets

Toronto-based tyre repair service JF Tire Service  eliminate paper processing, centralise scheduling and speed up invoicing with Motion Computing and KMP Designs

Motion Computing, recently announced that JF Tire Service, a leading tyre repair service provider in the Greater Toronto Area , is saving money and improving customer satisfaction with a mobile work order processing solution from Motion and KMP Designs.  Motion’s F5t Rugged Tablets run KMP Designs Work Order Automation Software to centralise scheduling and dispatching, reduce documentation and tracking time for field technicians, and speed invoicing.

“From our initial discussions with KMP Designs, it was clear tablet PCs were the obvious solution to run the work order automation software,” said Jan Francis, President, JF Tire Service.  “I was cautious about adopting an entirely new method of doing business, but once we had the opportunity to trial the the Motion rugged tablets and see firsthand how rugged and easy to use they were, we were sold.  The ergonomic design and integrated features of Motion F5t far surpassed any other tablets we trialed.”

Before the mobile solution was in place, JF Tire Service utilised an extensive paper-based work order system.  As the company grew, so did the amount of paper.  JF Tire Service determined it was losing $20,000-30,000 per year in revenue due to lost paperwork.  In addition, invoicing took 4-6 weeks from the time of service, technicians didn’t have any access to unit histories and a lot of field time was spent manually documenting work.

Now with Motion rugged tablets easily running KMP Designs software and two-way data synchronisation, a formalised information flow is in place. Work orders captured in the field are automatically synchronised to the central SQL Server database along with the customer’s electronic signature.  The ability to capture data electronically and synchronise throughout the day has reduced invoicing times from 6 weeks to less than a day from the time of service.  Productivity has improved due to streamlined dispatching and the costs associated with manual data entry, transcription errors, and chasing paper, have been eliminated.

“The Motion and KMP system has created a significant competitive advantage for JF Tire within the tire service industry,” said Francis. “The results have been realised across operations, billing and especially customer service.  Clients now have access to a secure website to track work order histories, job status and billing details.”