Red Hat Announces New Teams and Collaboration Enhancement for FeedHenry 3 Mobile Application Platform

Nov 21, 2014 • Software & AppsNewsFeedHenrySoftware and Apps

Red Hat a leading provider of open source solutions, early this week announced an update to its newly acquiredFeedHenry 3 mobile application platform.

The update, featuring a new Teams and Collaboration enhancement, is an expansion to one of the industry’s leading mobile application platforms for enterprise development. The FeedHenry 3 mobile application platform brings something new to the market with its integrated collaboration and access control features that support distributed development teams working in unison across multiple application projects.

The FeedHenry 3 Teams and Collaboration enhancement includes:

  • Global collaboration on mobile application projects: Multiple distributed development teams, both in-house and outsourced, can work simultaneously in FeedHenry 3 on mobile application projects, which consist of a variety of client applications, cloud applications, and services, each with their own individual Git repositories. Developers work individually but with access to relevant project-related components, increasing agility at individual stages in the application development lifecycle.
  • Role-based collaboration across the application lifecycle: Multiple skills and teams, from application design, front-end coding, back-end services development, analytics, administration, and more, can work concurrently across multiple application projects bringing applications to market faster and more efficiently without impacting individual developer agility and productivity.
  • Access controls for mobile projects: Configuration of fine-grained controls at individual levels of each mobile project enables ease and security of access to key project components. This helps lock functionality at different levels within the platform. For example, by setting authorised access controls, sensitive back-end systems credentials can be insulated from third-party or other developer roles, providing greater security and compliance. This fine-grained access control also encourages an API-driven and micro-services development and discovery approach, enabling ease of discovery and reuse of core components and services.
  • Company-wide visibility across mobile projects: Centralizing collaboration and control across multiple skills in multiple mobile projects, across various stages of their lifecycle, enables visibility of all company-wide mobile projects. This promotes a mobile-first approach to enterprise mobility, supporting innovation and reuse.

Commenting on the release Cathal McGloin, vice president, Mobile Platforms, Red Hat stated “Enterprise mobility has matured beyond a single application, silo approach, toward a team-based, business-centric model, where multiple applications, at various stages of the application development lifecycle, are managed by different teams. Organisations are looking to improve their agility and responsiveness on mobility projects while at the same time having distributed teams and centralised policy management. Teams and Collaboration, as an integrated feature across the FeedHenry 3 platform, addresses this need, enabling a granularity of access control across different development resources, whether in-house or third-party, that promotes agility and reuse of core components.”

Chris Marsh, principal analyst, 451 Research added “With 40 percent of large enterprises planning to increase their application development outsourcing, collaboration across enterprise IT, lines of business and any external partners that may be involved is crucial. As the complexity of juggling multiple application projects and the pressure of faster development cycles increase, enterprises will look to platform vendors to offer more team-based collaboration features that provide centralised visibility and control of all application development projects across the organisation."