Proact Named One of the Best Managed Services IT Organisations in the Netherlands

Jul 15, 2021 • NewsArtificial intelligenceDigital TransformationIoTEMEA

Proact placed fourth among managed services providers within the leading “GIARTE IT Xperience Monitor 2021 (ITX)” assessment, in which the IT outsourcing experiences of customer organisations are measured annually. Amongst mid-sized companies, Proact secured a top score for workspace outsourcing, and obtained the highest scores in the categories of workspace management and support.

“Of course, it's about the whole picture that you offer as an outsourcing partner”, says Proact Service Operations Director of Proact Netherlands Bertus Doppenberg. “Basically, you have to prioritise the total unburdening of the customer when it comes to their workspace. Customer satisfaction starts with a positive user experience. That is one of Proact’s key priorities, which we now also see being rewarded in this benchmark. Still, it's not the only thing we focus on. If you don’t have a firm foundation in terms of your offering, you will notice this immediately in practice. We have managed that well, which is apparent from the wonderful scores we have received.”


The fact that Proact emerged from the survey as one of the highest rated mid-sized organisations in the area of outsourcing — with an average managed services score of 8.4 on a scale of 10 — is in itself a great achievement. Infrastructure management, workplace management and support, system integration and security management are also enthusiastically praised by Proact's 20 largest customers within the survey. Equally impressive, however, is that the IT services provider also scores highest in the transparency category for its work with customers. These results are all the more notable considering that Proact expanded its presence in the Netherlands and in Belgium through the acquisition of PeopleWare in the end of 2019. The company specialised in outsourcing prior to its acquisition, and this has developed into a very strong component of Proact’s offering in this region since.

“We could not have achieved these great results without our customers. As an organisation, we are close to our customers. Our personal approach and our prioritisation of open and honest communication in our relationships are the basis for this. This is only possible if parties work together openly and honestly. The results of GIARTE therefore reflect the extent and intensity of cooperation with our customers. That is a two-way street”, adds Mark van Liempt, Business Unit Director, West. “We do it together, so the credit must go to our customers as well!”

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