Overwhelmingly Staff Utilization is the Biggest Issue in Workforce Management

Jul 16, 2021 • FeaturesDigital TransformationWorkforce ManagemnetField WorkforceManaging the Mobile WorkforceEMEA

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined by Mark Belenky, CEO Software Outsourcing Solutions and a specialist in workforce management solutions to work through some of the key findings of an exclusive Field Service News Research project that spoke to over 100 service leaders from the field service sector and beyond to understand the key trends in workforce management.

During the discussion, the two discuss a number of key insights revealed from the data including the key metrics that define workforce management success, how companies are optimising the costs of managing the workforce and what tools and processes are being used for best-in-class workforce management.

In this excerpt from that full interview, the conversation focuses on the industry data revealing that, for service-centric companies, the biggest issue regarding workforce management is overwhemingly staff utilization.

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FSN Premium subscribers and FSN Elite members can access the full-length interview plus many, many more in the Field Service New Digital Symposium.  If you have an FSN Premium account you can access the video on the button below. If you are currently on our FSN Standard subscription tier you can upgrade your subscription by clicking the link below.

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Further Reading: