Old dogs. New Tricks. OnPoint vs On-Point throughout

Nov 05, 2018 • Featuresfield servicefield service managementfield service technologyInternet of ThingsService ManagementWarranty Management OnPointParts Pricing and Logistics

For those on the outside, it may seem that OnPoint Warranty Solutions are a new entrant into our sector.

However, take a peek behind the curtain and you will find a senior exec team with an abundance of experience in the both service and technology. Heading up that team is CEO Chris Smith, a seasoned contract, service and Customer Experience (CX) executive, who has racked up over 32 years industry expertise with the likes of Samsung, AIG, GE and FSM solution provider ServicePower.

In fact, CVs that name check both ServicePower and GE are a common thread amongst 3 of the 4 members of the newly formed exec board driving OnPoint’s business strategy as both CTO Michael Baumer and CMO and COO Jenniffer Breitenstein are ServicePower and GE alumni as well.

What these shared backgrounds indicate is a collection of senior leaders within this young company that have a comprehensive and intimate understanding of what are foundational pillars within the field service sector – namely Customer Experience and how technology can be leveraged to improve service operations.

One final name to add into this impressive group is that of founder and president of OnPoint, Robert Christian.


"In fact, they provide solutions for Manufacturers, retailers, original device manufacturers, Service Providers and Consumers alike..."


However, Christian brings a different skill set to the team than that of his colleagues. With a background as a Property Casualty Underwriter and database marketing, he has been working in the warranty industry since 1994 and was also instrumental in the creation of Encompass Supply Chain Solutions.

Of course, as founder, it is Christian’s background that is the cornerstone and key influence on where OnPoint positions themselves in the market. However, the service-centric experience of Smith, Breitenstein and Baumer has allowed them to carve out a strong sense of unique identity and solution set.

In fact, they provide solutions for Manufacturers, retailers, original device manufacturers, Service Providers and Consumers alike with their suite of offerings that include customer service solutions ranging from underwriting to extended warranty and service contract programs, service fulfilment and technology, as well as logistics.

In their own words, OnPoint’s solutions have been architected to connect brands to their consumers, relying on “solid underwriting relationships, Omnichannel consumer technology, a robust, AI-driven service administration platform and an expertly managed network of service and part providers”, to deliver great customer service experiences.

“They are designed to mitigate risk and drive revenue for client brands and underwriters while delivering the best customer service experiences on new and existing products.”

Indeed, it is a broad array of solutions that appear to be leveraging the latest consumer-focused technologies and that are designed to take a fresh and dynamic approach to service delivery.

As Christian comments: “As we evaluated what was needed to help brands meet consumers expectations, we recognized that flipping the service paradigm is critical.”

“OnPoint is focused on the end-consumer first. Offering solidly backed warranties and service contracts, variable coverage options that maximize product lifetime values, real-time connectivity on any device, and great service delivered by vetted, technology-enabled service providers drive brand loyalty.”

“When OnPoint cares for the end-consumer, our customers can focus on creating, marketing and selling their brand, which consumers will come back to again and again,” he added.

Indeed, given the rapid emergence of smart home technologies with connected assets within consumer homes now becoming more and more prevalent, there is certainly a lot of potential for those companies who can ‘flip the paradigm’ to flourish as we enter a brave new world of IoT expectations.


"Within just a month of announcing their launch back in July 2018, OnPoint was able to announce their first major contract with a major white goods provider to provide field service for their latest line of refrigerator goods..."


As a matter of fact, OnPoint considers this a key growth opportunity for the business. Using technology to gather a complete inventory of connected and non-connected devices in consumer homes enables OnPoint to offer game-changing, subscription-based contract and service offers. Consumer not only gain the ability to intelligently cover products which they own with solid service coverage, but they can also change coverage on a month to month basis. In a world where mobile devices are upgraded every 12 months and appliance products no longer can be expected to last 10 years, consumers are empowered to cover what’s important to their household, today and tomorrow with OnPoint.

“The warranty and service business has experienced an evolution in just the last 3 years”, explains Smith.

“Emerging technologies like IoT and 24x7 connectivity through smart devices have transformed the way consumers buy, the way they communicate, and the way they evangelize or demonize a product, a service, or an experience.”

“OnPoint aspires to tap into the vast experience and talent of our team and our selected partners to seamlessly connect manufacturers, retailers and service providers to their consumers, providing great service, transparency and value to both our clients and their customers,” he asserts.

Indeed, within just a month of announcing their launch back in July 2018, OnPoint was able to announce their first major contract with a major white goods provider to provide field service for their latest line of refrigerator goods.

This announcement was then swiftly followed by further announcements of tech partnerships with Mize – another name in field service that has begun to gain impressive traction within the last couple of years in our sector and is a partnership, which can only bode well for the future development and growth of OnPoint.

Whilst it is of course early days for the start-up they have both the wealth of experience, understanding of the industry and an innovative approach that could see them offering services that will be in much demand amongst field service organisations, particularly in consumer industries, as our industry continues to adapt to the widespread impact of IoT in our daily lives.

Find out more @ www.onpointwarranty.com or help@onpointwarranty.com


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