Next-Generation Challenges & Business Applications for Field Service Companies

Oct 02, 2018 • FeaturesAsteaConnected Field ServiceFuture of FIeld ServiceWBRfield servicefield service managementIoTService Management

Adopting IoT as part of the greater service and business environment involves keeping up with industry changes as they take place. 

We recently looked at some research from Astea and WBR that looked at why companies were adopting IoT based approaches to service delivery. Now in the second excerpt from that same report, we look at the new challenges such new next-generation tools might bring to the table...


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Now, the majority of field service companies are developing methods to make IoT-related services more efficient. Growth patterns suggest that they are being well received by customers as they use connected data to created advanced solutions.

Today, 75% of companies are using connected data and IoT to create advanced services; among them, 83% believe connected data and IoT lead to more profitable business decisions. Business decision makers who responded to the survey have identified several emerging applications of connected data where they are planning changes or are already seeing business results — security, product sustainability, new product technologies, and fleet management, among others.


Advanced Services in Practice

The research surfaced a wide-ranging and varied number of comments from service directors who participated which included:

“We are using connected data and IoT on an extensive level, with client dealings and remote problem solving with our advanced Affiliates Suite service to support client demands more efficiently. Under this service, we monitor data, alert clients about threats, and [provide] critical observation. With real-time data, threats can be diffused with faster diagnostics.”

“Recently, we have integrated IoT in order for vital health information to be passed on directly to those maintaining [the equipment]. With this innovation, the availability of details in timely manner is ensured, thus speeding treatment and dispensing medication. This solution will be subject to technological advancements from time to time with upgraded systems.”

“Once we derive information such as purchase patterns, market trends, [and] competitor stats, [connected data and IoT] is used to develop substantial products that are able to withstand and supply changing mechanisms. Advanced solutions using connected data and the latest upgrades benefit customers and organisation alike.”


Want to know more?! There is a full white paper on this topic available to subscribers. Click the button below to get fully up to speed!

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