Kony and Citrix join forces

Jun 14, 2015 • NewsKonyCitrixenterprise mobility managementSoftware and Apps

Enterprise mobility specialists Kony and Citrix are teaming up to offer a comprehensive mobile app development and  mobility deployment solution.

Enterprise mobility specialists Kony and Citrix are teaming up to offer a comprehensive mobile app solution that includes initial mobile app design and development to enterprise mobility management and operations.
“We are excited to work with Kony to help power the mobile enterprise with industry-proven applications, visualisation, development, and management tools for a wide range of industries, ” said Scott Schwarshoff, Vice President of Mobile Application Platform at Citrix. The combination of Kony’s mobile app platform and XenMobile enterprise mobility management solution will empower customers to accelerate their mobile strategy to deliver world-class mobile experiences, he continued.
[quote float="left"]Customers get individualised solutions from quick-start app templates designed to efficiently mobilise the business

Kony Apps are now verified by the Citrix Ready program, designed to allow customers to get their apps to market faster. The apps, which include the Kony Mobile Service Solution,  incorporate built-in best practices, features, and connectors.  Customers get individualised solutions from quick-start app templates designed to efficiently mobilise the business or customer processes to meet business needs, exceed user expectations and drive business results. They integrate with existing ERP systems to deliver all mobile devices, including phones and tablets and are  highly secured, scalable, and business-ready with reporting and analytics.
“Leading companies across the globe are successfully using mobility as a catalyst for business innovation,” said Dave Shirk, president, Products and Marketing, Kony. “Enterprise mobile apps are no longer a nice to have. It has now become a strategic imperative for businesses to effectively compete in this new mobile era. We are excited to work with Citrix, a long-standing industry technology leader. Together, we will empower enterprises to fast-track their mobile strategy with a proven mobile-centric approach from start to finish, with leading technology at every level.”


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