Integrated fuel card and telematics solution helps cut fuel costs by more than eight per cent

May 01, 2018 • Fleet TechnologyNewsFuel CardsBPfleet managementschedulingtomtom

An innovative fuel and driver management solution from TomTomTelematics and BP has helped logistics specialists Corporate Solutions cut fuel costs by 8.1 percent.

The Birmingham-based company, which provides bespoke temperature controlled and ambient distribution services, introduced BP FleetMove Pro across its 100-strong HGV fleet in June 2017.

The new integrated system combines BP fuel card information with vehicle location, fuel consumption, driver behaviour and vehicle maintenance data from WEBFLEET, TomTom Telematics’ fleet management solution.  This provides full visibility and control over how fuel is being used across the entire fleet in one, easy-to-use interface. 

Instead of checking thousands of individual fuel card transactions manually every year, the company now receives fuel card exception reports Instead of checking thousands of individual fuel card transactions manually every year, the company now receives fuel card exception reports. These highlight at a glance if there is an anomaly that might indicate fraudulent card use, such as when a fuel card transaction and vehicle location do not match.

WEBFLEET’s integral OptiDrive 360 functionality meanwhile – which gives drivers in-cab feedback and advice on a number of key indicators affecting fuel efficiency, including speeding, idling, sudden braking and harsh steering – has helped improve fleet mpg by 9.2 percent.

In addition, weekly fuel consumption reports have highlighted a clear correlation between fuel wastage due to idling and number of accidents, triggering targeted driver training.

“We’re delighted with the results,” says Stuart Payne, Commercial Director at Corporate Solutions. “Combining different streams of data in this way makes everyone’s life easier, helping us to save time and reduce operating costs.”

Further benefits to the company include WEBFLEET alerts that highlight when any of the vehicles’ dashcam cameras are no longer working, helping to plug any evidence gaps for future insurance claims.

Scheduled integration with the incumbent routing and scheduling system means the company will soon be able to send drivers directions to the most appropriate BP stations on each route to help them get the best fuel deals.

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