Innovation and Ingenuity (#FSN20 2018 teaser!)

Sep 13, 2018 • FeaturesManagementFSN20Leaderfield serviceService ManagementService LeadersManaging the Mobile Workforce

The #FSN20 is our annual list of those shaping and developing our industry. However, before we make the final announcement of those who are on the 2018 list, Kris Oldland, Field Service News, Editor-in-Chief talks us through how the approach to building this year's list has evolved...

Once again we have put together a list of the brightest and best within our industry and once again I have been amazed at just how long it took us to refine the list down to twenty individuals,

Yes, it is that time again, time for us to celebrate the innovation and ingenuity that surrounds us within our industry by publishing the #FSN20 - our list of those we think are truly driving field service forward.

Although, this year you may notice that we have taken a slightly different tack to previous years.

In the past editions of the #FSN20 we had included solution providers, academics, analysts, consultants and industry practitioners and the list was a reflection of those who were the key influencers within the sector.

However, this time around you will see that we have only included the practitioners.


Well I’m glad you asked!

There are two key reasons behind this shift in approach. Firstly, we found that there were simply so many examples of excellent work being done within our sector by the industry practitioners that even whittling the list down to 20 would have been (and most certainly was in fact) a major challenge.

As it is, some really great service leaders, unfortunately, didn’t quite make the final cut and that would have been an even higher number if we had remained with the broader church we have used in previous iterations of the list.

Secondly, we figured that if we were to single out and focus our attention on one specific group, then it had to absolutely be the industry practitioners - who are often unsung heroes outside of there organisations - and sometimes even within them.


"Find them on social media, read articles they may have written and if you see their names on the speaking list at a conference get yourself there to listen to them..."


Yes, there are some truly excellent minds amongst the solution providers, academics and consultants but the fact of the matter is that the majority of names of those at the vanguard of driving our sector forward will already be familiar to our regular Field Service News readers as we make it our business to talk to and offer a platform to those who we believe are bringing something of value to the discussion.

However, there now may be some names in this year’s list that are less familiar to you and if that is the case I strongly urge you to look these folks up!

Find them on social media, read articles they may have written and if you see their names on the speaking list at a conference get yourself there to listen to them - because each member of the 2018 edition of the #FSN20 has shown excellent leadership, an intimate knowledge of how to deliver service excellence and a willingness to think outside of the box in terms of how to drive revenue whilst creating ever greater levels of customer satisfaction.

The #FSN20 will be published online next week but subscribers on our mailing list have already had an advanced preview in the July/August issue. If you want to make sure you're always ahead of the pack as well then apply for a complimentary industry professional subscription by clicking the link below...



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