Industry Interviews: Des Evans, Aston Business School

Sep 16, 2015 • videoaston business schoolFuture of FIeld ServiceMAN UKDes EVansHaulageServitization

The shift from traditional manufacturer to fully fledged servitized business was a bold and revolutionary move when MAN Trucks UK made the transition but it ultimately led them to a huge growth spree when the rest of the market was in decline.

The man driving that change was Des Evans, former Managing Director of MAN UK and now an Honarary Professor at Aston Business School.

Evans was also one of the guest speakers at a recent Service Community event and Field Service News Editor, Kris Oldland caught up with him there to find out more about why and how MAN UK made the shift to becoming one of the great examples of servitization.



The next Service Community event is being held on the 30th September and attendance is free for Field Service News subscribers. To register your place please send your contact details to



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