IFS Year-End Shows 51% Growth in FSM Business

Feb 05, 2020 • Newsfuture of field serviceIFS

Firm says enhanced customer-focus contributed to strong figures.

IFS has announced its financial results for the full year ended December 31, 2019, revealing a 51 per cent business growth in its Field Service Management business.

“I am incredibly proud to lead the team that has delivered this impressive performance. Our employees clearly understand our focus, feel ownership of our progress, and stand united in a passion for our customers. Our differentiator is not that we talk about customer centricity, but that we commit to delivering customer value.” IFS Chief Executive Officer Darren Roos said. “The investments made last year into our product and partner enablement will benefit the company in the long-term and will have a positive impact for our customers – and our own business – in 2020 and beyond.”

The year the firm added notable brands to its roster across the five focus industries it serves, including SPIE, Rolls-Royce, Tietex, Revima, Resolute Mining, Primo and Cryostar. It also joined with PTC for product innovation, Acumatica for channel innovation and, in December, completed the acquisition of Astea International.