Has the pandemic driven a greater need for the blended workforce?

Mar 02, 2021 • FeaturesservicepowerBlended WorkforceManaging the Mobile WorkforceDocumentaries

Field Service News in partnership announces a huge new in-depth project that will be exploring the role of the blended workforce in the field service sector and asks if the pandemic has driven an even greater need for the adoption of this flexible approach to workforce management...

2020 was one of the most challenging of years for all of us. We have had to deal with unprecedented challenges in both our working and personal lives as we adapted to a life of lockdowns and for too many of us personal tragedies.

Yet, at the same time, 2020 was also a year of ingenuity and innovation. We saw companies and individuals alike learn the importance of being adaptable, developing new approaches, and the importance of embracing agility into our thinking.

There has been much talk of the new normal; indeed, the world in which we exist in 2021 is vastly different from the world we left behind when the pandemic first hit in March 2020.

Yet for us in the field service sector, the new normal that is being discussed in many ways brings together several key concepts that we have talked about for a number of years.

In that way, the novel coronavirus COVID19, the most significant global disruptor since the end of the second world war in 1945, has had a democratising effect, bringing the importance of concepts, processes and technologies, that were only a year ago the domain of best-in-class field service organisations into the industry mainstream.

It would be too much of a stretch to say that the industry is now all on the same page, many companies are further down the path towards a more sophisticated approach to service delivery than their peers who are now desperately playing catch up, primarily driven by necessity other than anything else.

However, necessity is, as the old saying goes, the mother of innovation. For the vast majority of organisations in our industry, the innovation they need to embrace is, fortunately, a reasonably well-worn, and clearly sign-posted path that has been trodden by organisations that were ahead of the pack.

So, while all companies may not entirely be on the same page as yet, we are all at least reading from the same script.

One such area that is likely to become a much more common fixture within our sector as we move beyond the pandemic is the adoption of the blended workforce, which like many of the other ‘new’ approaches to service delivery set to form the new backbone of field service operations in the future, has well established benefits as well as clearly defined best-practices for adoption that have been proven for some time.

In a new exclusive Field Service News Essential Guide, we will be hearing from several experts in this area including companies who have successfully established a holistic approach to utilising the blended workforce and technology providers that have empowered them on their journey as we uncover the drivers behind adopting a blended workforce approach, the technology that can bring the many moving parts together and asking if the blended workforce-model can be applied to any industry vertical.

We will be publishing a series of excerpts from this guide as well as the accompanying documentary across the coming weeks however, if you wish to read the Essential Guide in full it is currently available on our forever-free FSN Standard subscription tier. If you are yyet to subscribe the button below will take you to a dedicated registration page which will give you instant access to this Essential Guide upon completion of registration. 


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Field Service News subscribers can access the Essential Guide to the Blended Workforce instantly by clicking the button below:

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If you hold either a FSN Premium or FSN Elite subscription you can find the full interviews of those service leaders featured in this guide in our Digital Symposium section of the website which is available @ www.fieldservicenews.com/digital-symposium



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Further Reading: