Field Service USA (Fall Edition) Editor's Picks Day #2

Sep 26, 2017 • News

There was some absolutely fantastic conversation amongst the Florida sunshine here at the Field Service USA fuelled by the excellent presentations, workshops and technology on show.

As we set our selves ready for the day two here are my picks of the days must see sessions for those lucky enough to be with us on site today here in Amelia Island.



8:55 - Today's Smart Building: Optimizing The Users Experience Through The Innovation Of Intelligent Services

Larry Walsh, CEO & President,KONE Americas gives us some excellent insight into smart buildings, that may sound like something from the future but is already here today - and the impact on service is set to be wide reaching.



2.10 - Panel Creating Competetive Differentiation Through Connected Products

I'll be chairing the Enhancing Service Value stream myself across the afternoon and at 2.10 I'm very pleased to be moderating a panel discussion looking at the benefits that connected products can bring with Bill Belleville, Director E Business Solutions, JLG Industries Amar Parmar, Senior Director, Professional Services, Wind River and Gregory Ratcliff, Director Lifecycle Management, Vertiv.



3.50 - Help Huddle: Service Parts and Pricing

Getting service parts and pricing correct is a perennial challenge for a number of companies so this should be a great session for those looking to share best practices and learn from their peers in how best to get this aspect of your service operation on track.



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