Field Service News Podcast: Tesseract's Colin Brown on SaaS and 25 years of service management software

Jan 14, 2014 • FeaturesPodcastInterviewSaaSSoftwareSoftware and AppsSoftware as a ServiceAsolvi

Field Service News is pleased to bring you the first in our new monthly series of podcasts. In this first instalment we speak to Colin Brown Managing Director of  Tesseract Software. We ask Colin how the industry has changed since he first started Tesseract over a quarter of a century ago, how service management software has evolved and how the needs of service managers has changed dramatically over time as well.

With Tesseract having been one of the first Field Service companies to fully embrace a SaaS solution we also take the opportunity to put some big questions about the suitability of the cloud for field service software to him, including:

  • Is the cloud/SaaS secure enough?
  • How can I make sure that this new SaaS provider is legitimate?
  • What about areas where there is no mobile internet?
  • Is SaaS suitable for all types of company?

To hear the full interview and see how colin responds to these questions plus many more click the button below and complete the brief registration to download the podcast for free!

Download the full podcast now!