Father of IoT to speak at upcoming MaxLive field service event

Sep 17, 2015 • NewsFuture of FIeld ServiceMaxliveEventsIoTservicemax

As the ServiceMax Max Live event draws near an exciting name has been added to the agenda that is sure to make the event a true highlight in the field service calendar this year....

Held in Paris from the 2nd to the 4th of November, the event brings together field service professionals to discuss how technology is driving field service, what are the key trends that are emerging and how can we harness them to drive further efficiencies in our own field service delivery.

At last year's event Field Service News Editor Kris Oldland was impressed by the varying range of professionals and experts both speaking and in attendance.

"What has really struck me about the group here," Oldland commented, "is that firstly it is a really broad mix, with companies as large as Sony through to small family run companies with less than ten engineers, yet they are often facing similar challenges and those challenges are as real for a local SME as they are for your household name multi-nationals"

There is a real community feel amongst the companies here

"What has been really impressive about the ServiceMax approach, that has been really evident here at MaxLive, is that they are listening to their client's pain points, whether they be SME or Enterprise, and are reactive to that. There is a real community feel amongst the companies here, and with a fantastic list of guest speakers, there is a very positive vibe amongst the delegates as we look to what the future holds for field service."


At this year's event however, there is now one added name to the speaker list that will surely drive interest even higher. That is Kevin Ashton, often referred to as the Father of The Internet of Things, who will be giving a keynote presentation.

Of course IoT is predicted to have a huge impact in a number of different industries, but perhaps none is more keenly anticipated than in how it will impact field service, so Ashton's experience and insight is sure to be extremely well received and it will be also provide an interesting backdrop to the recent research project being undertaken by ServiceMax, PTC and Field Service News which is exploring the impact of IoT in the field service industries.

This research is still open so if you haven't taken part yet you can enter the survey here 

As a thank you for your time there are five signed copies of Ashton's book How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation and Discovery up for grabs too!



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