Event Preview: Field Service Management Expo 2017

Jun 05, 2017 • ManagementNewsEventsField Service Management ExpoService Management Expo

With the newly rebranded Field Service Management Expo (formerly Service Management Expo) now just two weeks away Chris Edwards, Director Field Service Management, UBM gives us a look at what to expect from the newly rebranded Field Service Management Expo in it's fourth consecutive year in London's ExCel



If you haven't registered yet it's free do so on the following link www.servicemanagementexpo.co.uk/FSN



Off the back of an electrifying 2016 show, we wanted to ensure we deliver even more for 2017 and went straight to the industry to identify how. This has resulted in a name change to reflect the profile of our visitors and make sure that Field Service Management Expo mirrors this important market.

The Field Service Theatre will include over 12 hours of seminar and workshop content over the 3 days, exploring the customer journey, recruitment, IoT, the customer experience and RoSPA dedicated workshops on fleet management and driver safety.

Focusing on a new theme, this year’s event; “starts and ends with the customer”, addressing our industries current pain point that delivering a seamless, exemplary customer experience is all important. Therefore we have concentrated a significant amount of our seminar programme along this topic. The Field Service Theatre will include over 12 hours of seminar and workshop content over the 3 days, exploring the customer journey, recruitment, IoT, the customer experience and RoSPA dedicated workshops on fleet management and driver safety.


Headlining a programme boasting more than 25 sessions is this year’s Inspirational Speakers, who will be focusing on the theme of strength, resilience and defying the odds. Featuring Dame Kelly Holmes, Professor Brian Cox OBE and Simon Weston CBE, each will deliver an inspiring session on the obstacles they’ve faced, solutions they’ve found and how the results have allowed them to march on.

Also new to 2017, visitors will have the opportunity to meet like-minded professionals in dedicated networking sessions, which finish each day in the Field Service Theatre.  Topics for discussion will include, ‘powering intelligent service delivery’ and ‘Removing business silos and engaging with your customer’

It promises to be another amazing year for Field Service Management Expo and the team and I can’t wait to welcome the entire service management industry, as you and your peers network, learn and identify innovative cost saving solutions in an incredibly fun and energetic week. We’d also love to hear your feedback and hope you’ll join the conversation on social media, so tweet us @FSMExpo using #FSME17

What to expect:

1:2:1 Meetings Programme

The complimentary matchmaking tool enables visitors and exhibitors to search and connect with each other before the show, allowing you to manage your event schedule.

  • Arrange meetings at exhibitors’ stands or in one of the dedicated Meeting Lounges
  • Search thousands of contacts by job title, products and services, buyer/seller activities and market sector
  • Make the most of your time at the show, pre-arrange meetings and open the door to new business opportunities

Find out more at: www.servicemanagementexpo.co.uk/visit/meet-suppliers



Dedicated Networking Bookending the day

Its visitor’s opportunity to expand their service management industry community and discuss trends and pain points with like-minded peers. Topics will range from ‘Powering intelligent service delivery’ and ‘An agile field service operation’ to Digital marketing transformation and ‘Removing business silos and engaging with your customers’

Session will take place in the Field Service Theatre at the beginning and end of each day.



Field Service Theatre  Sponsored by IFS/ FSM

Through a mix of networking sessions, seminars and debate, this theatre will explore the service management customer journey. Sessions will focus on: ‘the customer experience in the service management industry’, ‘IoT’, ‘proactive maintenance’ and ‘recruitment’. Afternoons will be dedicated to fleet safety with RoSPA-led sessions each day.

Sessions will include:

  • Delighting the customer with service excellence
  • Driver Behaviour – why it’s important within your business
  • Can a focus on customer experience really make a difference?
  • Embracing millennials in the workplace
  • Customer experience excellence in the service industry. Ideas and tips to make a critical difference

Get first-hand experience with over 100+ products and solutions

Discuss your project needs and learn about tried and tested implementation when you meet the product technicians. Plus, discover a range of suppliers across the entire service management chain including IFS, Protean Software, iTouch Vision, MPL Systems, BigChange Apps, Mix Telematics and more.

Inspirational Speakers

Our biggest inspirational line-up ever, featuring Double Olympic gold medallist, Dame Kelly Holmes; Rock star physicist Professor Brian Cox OBE; and Falklands War veteran, Simon Weston CBE are coming to inspire and motivate you in the Keynote Theatre between 20-22 June.

  • Build your motivation by emulating the work-ethic that led to double Olympic medals from Dame Kelly Holmes and discover more on her work on numerous mental health boards
  • Explore the universe with Professor Brian Cox OBE, and expand your mindset beyond the day-to-day aspects of your role
  • Be inspired by a story of triumph and courage, from Falklands war hero, Simon Weston CBE, and turn adversity into opportunity

When are where?

  • Dame Kelly Holmes: When & Where: 20 June, 11.30 – 12.30, Keynote Theatre
  • Professor Brian Cox OBE: When & Where: 21 June, 11.30 – 12.30, Keynote Theatre
  • Simon Weston CBE: When & Where: 22 June, 11.30 – 12.30, Keynote Theatre



Register your place at Field Service Management Expo here; www.servicemanagementexpo.co.uk/FSN



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