Enterprise collaboration tool intellinote announces field service management solution

Mar 11, 2015 • NewsintellinoteSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Enterprise collaboration tool Intellinote recently announced its new Field Service Management Solution, developed to help field service companies lower costs, increase revenues and provide a significantly enhanced customer experience.

Delivered as a user-friendly cloud-based tool, Intellinote for Field Service Management lets users capture, document and collaborate around service requests and other fieldwork using iPads, iPhones and desktops. Built for the field & the office, Intellinote for Field Service Management is easy to deploy and no IT is required.

The solution provides customers with the ability to:

  • Document fieldwork with fillable PDF forms, notes, pictures and geo-tagging.
  • Share, in real-time, details of completed fieldwork with key stakeholders including customers, supervisors and accounting departments.
  • Provide field workers with real-time access to Policies, Service Catalogs, Form Libraries and Training/Reference Materials
  • Integrate with Billing Systems, Work Order Databases and other in-house developed/3rd party applications
  • Work in both offline and online modes[/unordered_list]

“The old way of managing field work required a chain of events that wasted time and money as each service request, work order or job went through many manual and often error-prone touch points,” explained Intellinote CEO, Tony Lopresti. “As the field service management space continues to demand cloud-based solutions, we’re excited to provide companies with a solution that helps them collaborate better between field and non-field employees, and ultimately deliver a superior customer experience. Intellinote for Field Service Management is a powerful, competitive differentiator with clear advantages for users.”

The old way of managing field work required a chain of events that wasted time and money as each service request, work order or job went through many manual and often error-prone touch points,”

Intellinote for Field Service Management eliminates the many inefficiencies that have plagued services companies: paper forms, incomplete task information, lack of clarity, lack of visibility into the real-time status of a service request and manual handoffs between field workers, supervisors and customers.


With Intellinote for Field Service Management, the entire process is greatly simplified. Customers realize ROI from handling more work orders every day, eliminating form errors, avoiding the 2nd or repeat service call, avoiding overtime pay, reducing customer disputes and by arming field workers with service catalogs and other tools on their mobile devices to upsell customers. For a mid-sized company, these could add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars of savings and additional revenue every year.

“We choose Intellinote to help us do three things. One: Help our field workforce document each job - from initial requirements to installation. Two: Help management monitor progress and collaborate in real-time with our on-site team. Three: Keep our customers informed on the status and progress of their jobs," said Chris Newsome of A Place For Everything Closets. "Intellinote is delivering on these fronts. Our team is more productive and we are able to serve our large and growing customer base better with it," Newsome added.

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