eBook Overview: The Roadmap to Field Service Engagement

May 02, 2017 • FeaturesresourcesWhite Papers & eBooksClickSoftwareebookField Service Engagement

Resource Type: eBook
Published by:  ClickSoftware
Title: The Roadmap to Field Service Engagement



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Field service customer expectations are higher than they have ever been. Companies are promising a great customer service experience, but only some are delivering it.

When a customer receives good service from one company, it sets the bar higher for everyone. The customer will expect – or at least hope – they receive the same level of service from you.

The last field service technician (from another company) called an hour before he got there. He was on time. He was clean. He was friendly and helpful. Now the customer calls you. Can you deliver at the level of the customer’s last experience?

To win in today’s field service landscape we must recognise that every interaction, however small, is an opportunity to create an impression. Are you ready to deliver greater value to customers all day, every day?

This detailed eBook published by ClickSoftware takes you through some key guidelines to help get you on a journey to establishment true field service engagement with your customers. 


So what exactly is field service engagement? According to ClickSoftware, publishers of this eBook field service engagement is both a mantra and a model and this model is designed to help field service organisations gain a competitive edge in an evolving service landscape.

Today’s technology stands to transform field service more rapidly than ever before and organisations that embrace new technologies stand to improve customer engagement exponentially. Many early adopters of advanced route mapping, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, and self-service are discovering the immediate gains these technologies unlock.

Unfortunately too many focus on the technology, and not the customer. If we want to prosper amidst advancements, we must prove fancy technology adds value to the end user. Today’s customers have unprecedented service options, and access to unfathomable amounts of data. As a result, the pace of change in platforms, solutions, and customer loyalty have never been faster.

The bottom line is too few field service management organisations are stopping to ask, “Exactly how will this new found customer behaviour impact my service?” It’s in direct reaction to these trends that this eBook outlines the Field Service Engagement framework to help field service organisations achieve new and lasting connections with their customers. 

Across nearly 40 pages of detailed analysis and insight the eBook focusses on four key tenets that should be addressed to drive your field service delivery forward and push customer engagement levels higher.

These are:

  • Disrupt what isn't working
  • Unlock Service Interactions
  • Operationalise human potential
  • Optimise the experience


Although it covers a lot of ground this eBook does a great job of breaking down the information into highly digestible chunks and focusses on the most salient points in a concise and extremely well thought out manner and should be essential reading for any field service professional who is tasked with either raising customer satisfaction KPIs, service profitability or both. 



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