PODCAST - Chris Ruff from Glympse: Driverless Cars and Location Based Services is the Future of Field Service

Mar 08, 2019 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServicefleetGlympseThe Field Service PodcastMark Glover

The future of field service will see location based services play a dominant role as autonomous vehicles take to the road says Chris Ruff CEO at Location-based technology firm Glympse, who is the latest guest on The Field Service Podcast.


The future of field service will see location based services play a dominant role as autonomous vehicles take to the road...In this episode of the Field Service Podcast, fieldservicenews.com Deputy Editor Mark Glover sits down to talk with Chris Ruff, CEO at Glympse, about why he sees autonomous vehicles as playing a significant role in the future of field service delivery and how all of this needs to be underpinned by robust and efficient location based services focused technology.