PODCAST: Digital Transformation with Michael Blumberg

Feb 21, 2020 • Featuresfuture of field servicemanagementMichael BlumbergDigital TransformationThe Field Service PodcastMize

Regular Field Service News contributor Michael Blumberg makes his debut on the Field Service Podcast and explains why firms should be embarking on a digital transformation journey.

As a regular supplier of insight to the pages of Field Service News for many years now, the FSN editorial team though it wise to get Mize's Michael Blumberg on the podcast. Deputy Editor and host Mark Glover batted topic suggestions with Michael over email and the pair eventually decided on Digital Transformation, a journey that all service professionals should be contemplating if they haven't already.

Covering the challenges and advantages of DX, including tangible case studies of successful integration, Michael explains with clarity how you can begin your own transformation, one that can only be beneficial to your business.

It's essential listening for any service professional. Download it now!

You can connect with Michael on LinkedIn here or reach out to him on email. You can also read his most recent article on how to optimise your engineers here.