Comarch’s eBook: 50 Ways to Automate Field Service Delivery

Jul 17, 2019 • ManagementNewsComarch

Is your organization’s field service management up to the mark? What if you could find a way to optimize operations so that you simultaneously improve your company’s indicators and customer satisfaction ratings?

Comarch’s new e-book goes much further than that, highlighting 50 areas to be optimized in field service delivery. What’s more, it’s free to download now – one click and you can begin reading in moments.

The challenges facing companies operating on today’s field service management market demand a new approach to delivery. Environments are changing quickly, customers expect rapid issue resolution, and workforces must be increasingly agile and connected. The only realistic way to face these challenges is through automation, made possible with a comprehensive, advanced and highly customizable product.. As in every business operation, knowledge is the route to success. That’s why Comarch has produced the e-book, entitled “50 Ways to Automate Field Service Delivery”, to put the information that you need directly into your hands.

This 23-page guide prepared by field service management experts breaks down areas in which you can start to make improvements, regardless of how big or small your organization is, and no matter whether you are operating globally or on a local market. Download your copy for inspiration about the best ways to unlock the service automation potential in your company in areas such as resource management, service request management, planning and scheduling, business management, work order execution, communication and asset management.

While it may seem at first glance that 50 areas to be optimized in field service delivery is a lot to take in, the paper has made it more digestible by breaking the e-book down into the sections outlined above. The result is a handy, go-to guide that will provide food for thought about immediate and long-term strategic steps you can take; in short, you can start to maximize the benefits of your reading right away.

If you’re still not convinced that your field service management processes need automation and optimization, don’t just take our word for it. Our e-book includes data showing how one international client smashed SLA targets following FSM implementation. To find out how they did it, and even join them, download your free copy of “50 Ways to Automate Field Service Delivery” now.