Budgeting and Division of Labor

Dec 03, 2020 • FeaturesWhite Paperfield service managementLeadership and StrategyAppify

In this final excerpt from a recent white paper published by Appify, now available at Field Service News, we break down the budgeting and division of labor...

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How Many Work Orders Do You Typically Receive in a Month?

It seems that keeping projects on budget isn't a pressing concern. However, organizations can still improve budgeting at the margins. We asked respondents "How much time would you estimate each field technician spends managing/administering work orders vs. actually performing the work?"

One-quarter of all respondents replied that field technicians spend between 15 and 30 minutes performing administrative work. A slightly smaller proportion (19.48%) of field technicians replied that they spend between 15 and 30 minutes on administrative work. One-third of managers replied that field technicians spend that amount of time doing administrative work.

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How Much Time Does Each Field Technician Spend on Managing / Administering Work Orders vs Actually Performing the Work?

Managers think that field technicians spend a minimal amount of time on administrative work than the field technicians themselves. This difference is illustrated more boldly when we examine the rate of respondents that think field technicians spend more than two hours on administrative work. Almost 7% of managers think field technicians spend more than two hours on administrative work. But almost, 16% of field technicians report spending more than two hours on administrative work.

Managers have a different idea than field technicians about the amount of time technicians spend on administrative and work- order management tasks relative to their service tasks. For the Field Service industry in particular, time is money, and any excess time spent on administrative work relative to servicing the work order in question is lost time and therefore lost money.

Bridging this gap using technology and better collaboration can help field technicians see eye to eye with managers about how much time is lost to paperwork and other similar activities.

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Are You Looking to Invest in New Technology for Your Service TeamS Post-COVID-19?

Change happens. The question is, will your business be flexible enough to manage through the change. To ensure you can, addressing the needs of the field service teams, continuously examining business processes to look for efficiency gains and improving your technology are key to the continuity of servicing your customers when change occurs.

Field Service remains a vital part of our infrastructure. Allowing employees to focus on the job at hand while increasing productivity to satisfy the needs of their customers should be the goal of any organization. It's clear, however, that many organizations are not prioritizing technology investments in the near future.

It is unwise to buy technology for the sake of having shiny new tools. Yet, companies can still reevaluate their current platforms. If tools in use today are not providing the efficiency needed to service customers and keep field technicians from spending inordinate amounts of time doing administrative work, it may be time to consider a new solution.



Change happens. The question is, will your business be flexible enough to manage through the change. To ensure you can, addressing the needs of the field service teams, continuously examining business processes to look for efficiency gains and improving your technology are key to the continuity of servicing your customers when change occurs.

Field Service remains a vital part of our infrastructure. Allowing employees to focus on the job at hand while increasing productivity to satisfy the needs of their customers should be the goal of any organization. It's clear, however, that many organizations are not prioritizing technology investments in the near future.

It is unwise to buy technology for the sake of having shiny new tools. Yet, companies can still reevaluate their current platforms. If tools in use today are not providing the efficiency needed to service customers and keep field technicians from spending inordinate amounts of time doing administrative work, it may be time to consider a new solution.


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In this feature, we analyzed budgeting and division of labor.

However, www.fieldservicenews.com subscribers can read the full white paper now by hitting the button below.

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Further Reading: