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How efficiencies were driven home during the holidays

Jan 02, 2018 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyLCVDriver FatigueDVSAFleet ManagersHGVschedulingsergio barataSLAstelogisParts Pricing and Logistics

The most successful logistics managers (and sleigh based delivery drivers) were likely those who could turn to technology to cope with the busiest (and most wonderful) time of the year writes Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA, Telogis

The ever-adapting profile of the professional driver

Nov 24, 2016 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologymobile enterprise managementsergio baratatelematicstelogis

Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA, Telogis looks at the ever evolving nature of the professional driver

Telematics as we know it is dead – long live Mobile Enterprise Management

Sep 27, 2016 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologytelogis

In a thought provoking and perhaps slightly controversial article, Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA at Telogis, explains why the telematics industry as we know it is on the way out.

The evolution of in-cab GPS for van drivers

Sep 21, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyGPStelematicstelogis

In-built telematics and all-inclusive intelligence platforms are replacing the traditional navigation devices that van drivers have used in the past and changing the future of fleet management, writes Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA, Telogis.

A platform approach: integrating fleet management, optimisation and mobile workforce management will lead to faster ROI

Nov 19, 2013 • FeaturesFleet Technologyintegrated platformoptimisationcloudfleet managementsergio baratatelogis

The explosion of mobility and connected services means that fully integrated fleet management, route and job allocation is now a compelling option. Sergio Barata, General Manager of EMEA at Telogis explains.


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