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Three Practical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Approaches For Field Service Management (Part 2)

Nov 25, 2018 • FeaturesAIArtificial intelligenceFuture of FIeld ServiceMArne MArtinfield servicefield service managementIFSService ManagementField Service TechnologiesParts Pricing and LogisticsManaging the Mobile Workforce

Artificial Intelligence has increasingly become a key discussion in all industries and its impact in field service management is predicted to be hugely significant, but how should field service organisations leverage this powerful...

What is Field Service Technician Enablement?

Feb 28, 2018 • FeaturesManagementArtificial intelligenceIntelligent PortalsMArne MArtinMobile TechnologyservicepowerTechnician Enablement

Field Service Technician enablement is both an important topic but also a frequently rolled out buzz-phrase that we hear within our industry. Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower digs deeper into the topic and helps us cut through the hyperbole to...

Not all AI is equal...

Feb 13, 2018 • FeaturesAIArtificial INtelleingenceFuture of FIeld ServiceMArne MArtinservicepowerCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower explains why Artificial Intelligence is going to be a fundamental part of the future of field service and why not all AI is on an equal footing...

Enabling a Faster, Smarter Customer Experience...

Nov 27, 2017 • FeaturesArtificial intelligenceCranfield UniversityMArne MArtinDigitialisationservicepowerSoftware and Apps

Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower explains why the connected customer is far more than just a marketing buzz phrase and focuses on the benefits of a truly unified platform...

Customer Experience is essential to every member in the field service ecosystem

Sep 20, 2017 • FeaturesMArne MArtinservicepowerSoftware and Appssoftware and appsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower describes what field service management professionals should expect from their solution providers and offers some excellent intel on how to pick a partner that is right for your business...

Boosting Productivity in Field Service

Aug 30, 2017 • FeaturesMArne MArtinSalesforceservicepowerSoftware and Apps

Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower, discusses how the “intelligent” service organisation is able to meet increasing customer expectations whilst simultaneously driving increases in revenue and brand loyalty...

The Best Outcomes...

Mar 01, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMArne MArtinfield serviceIoTservicepower

Marne Martin, CEO, ServicePower discusses the growing shift towards outcome based services and explains why it is key for field service organisations...

Optimisation: The turbo boost your operation needs to win!

Dec 20, 2016 • FeaturesAugmented RealityoptimisationcloudschedulingservicepowerSoftware and Apps

Marne Martin, CEO, ServicePower talks us through a variety of different scheduling solutions and how they can turbo charge service delivery...

Employee or Contractor – or Both?

Nov 23, 2016 • FeaturesManagementContractorsMaagementMArne MArtinWorkforceservicepower

Marne Martin, CEO ServicePower explains the benefits of an integrated dedicated and freelance workforce and why scheduling them shouldn’t be a chore...

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