AUTHOR ARCHIVES: Christian Kowalkowski

About the Author:

What is Digital Servitization?

Apr 15, 2019 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceBigDataChristian KowalkowskiDigitalizationServitizationThe View from Academia

Dr Christian Kowalkowski, Professor Of Industrial Marketing at Linköping University outlines how two of the biggest trends amongst manufacturers, digitalisation and servitization, are in essence two sides of the same coin and why digitalisation...

Service Strategy in Action: How to Grow a Profitable Service and Solution Business

Apr 24, 2018 • FeaturesManagementWolfgang UlagaChristian KowalkowskiService GrowthService Strategy in ActionServitization

Servitization has been an increasingly widely discussed topic amongst the Manufacturing sector for some time now, but whilst an understanding of the why is becoming widely accepted, the how still remains a mystery for many.


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