AUTHOR ARCHIVES: AListair Clifford-Jones

About the Author:

How the Battleground for Field Service is Changing

Feb 16, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesContinuous ImprovementLeadentPreventative MaintenanceIoT

Alastair Clifford-Jones, CEO of Leadent looks at how the focus of field service is shifting towards driving strategy rather than being a recipient of it...

What makes a good RFP?

Feb 07, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesLeadentRFP

Leadent CEO, Alastair Clifford-Jones discusses the fundamental elements that should come together when building a strong request for proposal document...

Snog, Marry, Avoid? What To Do With Your Ageing Field Service Technology

Dec 21, 2017 • FeaturesAlistair Clifford-JonesLeadentLegacy systemsCHange ManagementSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Leadent CEO, Alastair Clifford-Jones tackles the tricky issue of ageing technology...

IT Managers: The importance of the bigger picture

Oct 18, 2016 • FeaturesLeadentIT ManagersSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Alastair Clifford-Jones, CEO at Leadent Service Cloud, looks at the challenges IT managers working within service organisations face... 

How CEOs are failing the customer by devaluing service

Oct 07, 2016 • FeaturesManagementLeadentmanagementCEO

Alistair Clifford Jones, CEO Leadent Solutions looks at why failing your own field service operations is also failing your customers...


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