AR and AI could plug sector's workforce disparity, survey finds.

Mar 01, 2019 • FeaturesArtificial intelligenceAugmented RealitycopperbergWorkforceJim BastonSurveyVideo collaboration

Copperberg's annual field service survey report suggests visual technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) could bridge the gap between experienced engineers and new sector entrants.

The survey gathered comment from over 125 Field Service Directors from global manufacturing firms, and revealed visual-based technologies including VR, AR, Visual Assistance and Video Calling could address the growing disparity between mature field service engineers and less experienced workers.

Commenting, Field Service News contributor and BBA Consulting President Jim Baston said: ‘‘As they [experienced engineers] rely more on their tools to troubleshoot and repair and less on their experience, it opens up the door for less qualified individuals who will be able to give comparable levels of technical service.’’

The survey also identified the need for an open digital eco-system between partners, suppliers and customers to encourage collaboration.

You can download the report's findings here.