And the winners are...

Apr 17, 2014 • FeaturesresearchresourcesSaaSSoftware and Apps

Having completed our survey on SaaS and Field Service which was run in association with Tesseract we are pleased to announce the winners of the prize draw were....

Danny Dart, Field Service Manager, JME Ltd

Paul Ramsbottom, Service Design Manager, Virgin Media Business

Richard Wilson, Operational Strategy Manager, Xerox

Congratulations to each of you, we will be contacting you shortly to arrange sending you your £50 Amazon Voucher!

If you haven't had a chance to see the findings of this research as yet then don't forget to download the white paper "SaaS and Field Service" To do so simply click this link.

If you would like to help us with our next survey which is exploring Software and Field Service in 2014 and be in with a chance of winning a £150 Amazon voucher then click here!