White Paper Overview: Preparing for the Connected Customer

Jun 14, 2017 • FeaturesAsteaFuture of FIeld ServiceresourcesWhite PaperWhite Papers & eBooksCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Resource Type: White Paper
Published by:  Astea
Title: Preparing for the Connected Customer



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Astea-Connected-Customer-1This is the era of the connected customer—consumers who are used to having the entire Internet at their fingertips, who can instantly interact with friends and associates via text or social media, and who can quickly summon a ride, make restaurant reservations, or order a gift with a few clicks and swipes on their phones.

Connected customers present both challenges and opportunities for field service organisations. Their expectations have increased based on their experiences interacting with other types of service providers such as Amazon.com, Uber, FedEx, and Zipcar.

These customers want more information, along with faster, better service, and more control over their experience.

This white paper asks if your organisation is ready to meet their increasing demands...


Supported by research by Frost & Sullivan,  this white paper covers three key areas:

Rising Expectations of the Connected Customer

Connected customers are intimately familiar with the capabilities of mobile computing technology in a way that they were not 10 years ago. They expect field service technicians to be able to access those same or even more advanced mobile capabilities.

Leveraging Customer Connectivity

Enterprises are rapidly embracing mobility. According to data from Frost & Sullivan, 47% of North American businesses have at least 11 different mobile worker apps deployed, and 88% plan on introducing at least one new employee-facing app within the year.

Meeting the Challenge of the Connected Customer

Engaging effectively with connected customers requires an investment in field service management (FSM) and mobile technology that can keep pace with the technology in which your customers already have access. There are a number of challenges involved in that process, including:

  • Navigating a fragmented and confusing market
  • Predicting customer needs
  • Determining the best technologies to deploy



Want to know more? If you're a Field Service Professional then click here to apply for a complimentary industry subscription to Field Service News and get the white paper "Preparing for the Connected Customer" sent directly to your inbox now


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