US mobile market set to reach $224bn by 2024, study reveals.

Aug 01, 2019 • News5GsmartphonesSoftware and Apps

Research shows 5G uptake and unlimited data plans key to market's future growth.

Upskill roll out AR Platform to Android and iOS

Mar 15, 2019 • NewsAndroidAugmented RealityMobilitySmart GlassessmartphonesSoftwaretabletsMicrosoft HoloLens

Firm's AR software will now work across smartphone and tablets, complimenting its smart glasses functionality. 

Rugged Smartphone wins Design Award

Mar 12, 2019 • NewsAndroidruggedRugged smartphonesmartphonesRugGear

RugGear, manufacturer of rugged smartphones, win award for its RG725 push-to-talk device.

Research update: Mobility in field service

Mar 31, 2015 • FeaturesHardwareAdvanced Field ServicelaptopspdasresearchResearchhardwaresmartphonestablets

Field Service News is currently undertaking a research project into what types of mobility tool are being used by field service companies. What types of hardware and software are being used? How are companies selecting the right solution for their...


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