ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘print-management-services’ CATEGORY

Logistics Services as Value Addition in a Subscription Business Model for the Print Media Industry

Nov 28, 2019 • FeaturesManagementprint management servicesStrategysubscriptionParts Pricing and Logistics

Maximilian Schnippering, Business Specialist Recurring Revenue and Alexander Driss, Project leader VMI, of Heidelberg provide us with their deep level insight into how an organisation can harness the value of logistics services within a subscription...

Geerings upgrades service management system to 2SERV

Feb 15, 2017 • News2roam2servGeeringsJon Killengraymanaged print servicesmobile applicationprint management servicesfield serviceService ManagementSoftware and Apps

Geerings, one of the South East of England's leading providers of MPS and print management services, is upgrading its service management capability with the installation of 2serv. 


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