Introducing Self Service and Artificial Intelligence Without Sacrificing the Human Touch

Jun 24, 2019 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsFuture Technologycontact centresomni channelfield serviceIFSomnichannelCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

The Importance of Transforming Customer Care

Jun 17, 2019 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsFuture Technologycontact centresomni channelfield serviceIFSomnichannelCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

How to Reverse the ‘It’s Getting More Complex and Expensive’ Trap

Oct 03, 2018 • Featurescontact centremplsystemsomni channelfield servicefield service managementIFSService ManagementService TriageSoftware and AppsomnichannelCustomer Satisfaction and ExpectationsManaging the Mobile Workforce

Across the last few weeks, we've run a mini-series of excerpts of from the latest white paper from IFS we take a look at how communication is changing and technology is evolving.

Complexity Is a Distraction to Delivering your Target Customer Experience

Sep 26, 2018 • Featurescontact centremplsystemsomni channelfield servicefield service managementIFSService ManagementService TriageSoftware and AppsManaging the Mobile Workforce

As part of a new mini-series of excerpts of from the latest white paper from IFS we take a look at how communication is changing and technology is evolving.

Ericsson: zero-touch could herald a new era in service provider customer interaction

May 28, 2018 • Newscontact centreFuture of FIeld Serviceomni channelZero-touchzero-touch experiencesEricssonEricsson Consumer & IndustryLabfield serviceService ManagementCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Consumer & IndustryLab released its latest Insight Report today - the Zero touch customer experience – exploring the future of customer interactions with mobile service providers.

How field service might start improving customer service

Jan 15, 2017 • FeaturesManagementmachine to machineomni channelCapgeminidigital disruption

Jeff Bird, Customer Experience and Analytics Consultant, Capgemini, outlines what he thinks the future holds for the field service industry.

mplsystems positioned in the 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for the CRM Customer Engagement Center

Jun 02, 2016 • Newscontact centremplsystemsomni channelgartnerSoftware and Apps

mplsystems, providers of contact centre and field service technologies, have recently announced their inclusion in Gartner’s 04 May 2016 “Magic Quadrant” - for the CRM Customer Engagement Centre.


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