The Best Outcomes...

Mar 01, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMArne MArtinfield serviceIoTservicepower

Marne Martin, CEO, ServicePower discusses the growing shift towards outcome based services and explains why it is key for field service organisations...

ServicePower poised to accelerate growth following acquisition by Diversis

Feb 23, 2017 • NewsMArne MArtinMergers and AcquisitionsDiversisRon NayotservicepowerSoftware and Apps

ServicePower, a market leader in mobile workforce management software, announced recently that the acquisition by Diversis Capital and subsequent delisting from the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange has been completed. Diversis will provide...

Employee or Contractor – or Both?

Nov 23, 2016 • FeaturesManagementContractorsMaagementMArne MArtinWorkforceservicepower

Marne Martin, CEO ServicePower explains the benefits of an integrated dedicated and freelance workforce and why scheduling them shouldn’t be a chore...

The Field Service Checklist   

Nov 09, 2015 • FeaturesMArne MArtinservicepowerSoftware and Apps

Marne Martin, CEO at ServicePower outlines the key considerations for field service directors exploring technology, people and processes…

Industry Leaders: Marne Martin, ServicePower: Part 2

Oct 29, 2015 • Featuresindustry leadersMArne MArtinInterviewService PowerSoftware and Apps

In the first part of this exclusive interview with Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower we looked at the development of their product suite with the recent launch of NEXUS FSTM giving them a great platform to drive forward with Martin admitting that...

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