Knowledge is power… why knowledge sharing is key to modern field service (part two)

Mar 03, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceKnowledge SharingMedical DevicesElektaService Community

In the first part of this feature we looked at why medical device manufacturer Elekta felt it was necessary to establish a global knowledge sharing platform, now in this the concluding part of this feature we look at how they managed the task...

Knowledge is power… why knowledge sharing is key to modern field service (part one)

Feb 24, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceKnowledge SharingMedical DevicesElektaService Community

Establishing a knowledge base is a strategy that can yield numerous benefits for a field service organisation and once the initial pain of setting it up is accomplished it can become self-perpetuating. One company that have adopted this approach is...


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