ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘drone-major-group’ CATEGORY

UK Drone Industry Is One of Many British Industries Facing ‘Cliff Edge Threat’ Unless Government Speeds Up Post-Brexit Accreditation

Jan 06, 2022 • NewsBrexitdronesUKParts Pricing and LogisticsEMEAdrone major group

The future of the UK drone industry, one of Britain’s prime opportunities for growth, and many other UK-based manufacturing exporters, will be severely threatened once the UK’s eligibility for the EU’s CE accreditation regime expires at the end of...

UK Logistics Sector Faces Major Threats

Jan 14, 2021 • NewsCyber SecuritydronesIBMParts Pricing and LogisticsEMEAdrone major group

The logistics industry, currently one of the greatest winners in the 2020 pandemic world, is under enormous threat going into 2021 as one of the UK’s prime business sectors is targeted by sophisticated cyber-destructors and intellectual property...


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