PODCAST: Field Service Connect 2020 Preview

Feb 28, 2020 • Featuresfuture of field servicemanagementWBRThe Field Service Podcastfield service connectBecky Johnson


Ahead of Field Service Connect this year, being held 12 to 13 May in Windsor, UK, Becky Johnson, Content Director at WBR and curator of the speaker line-up joins us on the Field Service Podcast to give us a sneak preview of what delegates can expect this year.

The service conference circuit is a crowded one. For professionals who operate in a time-precious environment choosing the right event to attend, where you can garner the most amount of value for your time is an important business decision. Sharing challenges with other delegates, gaining insight on new tech and sharing a coffee with colleagues should be part of your event requirements.

In this special edition of the Field Service Podcast Becky Johnson from WBR who is overseeing the content at this year's Field Service Connect talks us through the speaker acquisition process: from the initial research involved and the overall honing of the talks and debates. Being close to the trends in the industry Becky also shares some of the insight she has gained during this research process. It's a fascinating listen.


You can reach out to Becky on LinkedIn here