White Paper Overview: FSM System Analysis report - Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service

Jul 20, 2017 • FeaturesMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Field ServiceresourcesWhite Papers and eBooksWhite Papers & eBookseBECSsoftware and apps

Resource Type: White Paper
Published by:  Field Service News and eBECS
Title: FSM System Analysis report - Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service

Want to know more? This white paper is available to Field Service News subscribers but if you are a Field Service Professional you may qualify for a complimentary industry practitioner subscription! Click here to apply for a subscription now and we’ll send you this white paper to your inbox now instantly as a welcome gift!


FSN MS Field Service Analysisv3.pdf-1

Almost all industry experts including practitioners, analysts and vendors are in agreement that the selection of a Field Service Management (FSM) system is far more than just an IT decision.

Field Service has always been a mission critical operation, but as we move into a world of servitization and outcome based solutions, efficient field service delivery is more crucial than ever before.

With this in mind, the correct selection of a FSM system to meet the demands of your individual organisation is crucial and should be based on a thorough understanding not of only the technology but also how a vendor can work with you to ensure best practice implementation - to help you see the efficiency gains, productivity improvements and return on investment promised.

Microsoft is of course a name that has been synonymous with enterprise computing for decades and their FSM offering is, as would be expected, one of the leading solutions within the FSM sector, identified by Gartner as a leader within the space.

Microsoft is of course a name that has been synonymous with enterprise computing for decades and their FSM offering is, as would be expected, one of the leading solutions within the FSM sector, identified by Gartner as a leader within the space.

However, its deep level of functionality, as part of the wider Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem, can perhaps be daunting for some - resulting in organisations potentially not taking advantage of its full capabilities.


This is where specialist providers such as eBECS can add additional layers of value in helping companies through the implementation process in order to make sure they are able to get the most from the tools embedded within Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service (Microsoft Field Service) and do so as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

In this white paper we will be first taking a closer look at the key elements of Microsoft Field Service and then exploring the benefits of working with a systems integrator such as eBECS when implementing the system.


The white paper is split into two main sections. Each of which include:

Section One: The capabilities of Microsoft Field Service

The first section of the whiter paper explores the core functionality, pros and cons of Microsoft Field Service with a look at the following aspects of the solution:

  • Major benefits of the system
  • An overview of functionality
  • Who is currently using Microsoft Field Service
  • Scheduling Functionality
  • Reporting Functionality
  • The mobile aspect of Microsoft Field Service
  • Integration capabilities of Microsoft Field Service [/unordered_list]

Section Two: Microsoft Field Service vanilla flavour vs. the added value of eBECS

In the second part of this comprehensive white paper we explore how an EBECS implementation differs to a standard implementation of Microsoft Field Service - here we look at two key areas the added IP that eBECS bring to the table and also their own approach to implementation.

Additional eBECS’ IP

Currently there are two additional software tools that are available exclusively to eBECS’ field service clients. Firstly, there is there is an additional tool to the Mobile Offering which is their Site Assessment Survey. Secondly, eBECS offer an ‘Accelerator Pack’ which is designed to help organisations take advantage of the powerful but often complex to set up tools such as PowerBI which is powerful part of the Microsoft technology stack discussed within the white paper.

Perhaps crucially, the eBECS approach is designed to not only aid organisations in getting the most out of their investment, but also empowering them to be able to continuously refine parameters themselves - something that in the fluid world of field service can be rewarded in significant savings in both time and money further down the line.

The eBECS’ Approach to Implementation

Whilst the added IP included within the eBECS solution is of undeniable value, it is arguably within their implementation process that the greatest benefits are to be found.

Michael Smythe, eBECS comments “When we talk about customisations and implementations etc, this is where we excel as we have built a team of industry experts - field service experts who haven’t just worked on IT implementation but have actually been in the industry and understand how these things work. People that can help you and work with you, side by side to build a platform that is suitable to meet your business goals.”

It is this intimate understanding of the industry that is perhaps key to their success to date. As it is this understanding that allows them to act within a truly  consultative capacity, rather than being simply a technology implementation team and again we explore this approach within the latter segment of the white paper.

Want to know more? This white paper is available to Field Service News subscribers but if you are a Field Service Professional you may qualify for a complimentary industry practitioner subscription! Click here to apply for a subscription now and we’ll send you this white paper to your inbox now instantly as a welcome gift!

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