Deconstructing the Service Delivery Value Chain and Research What Your Customer Wants

Sep 15, 2021 • Michael BlumbergBlumberg Advisory GroupService LeadershipServitization and Advanced ServicesDigital Symposiumservice marketing

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined on the Field Service News Digital Symposium by Michael Blumberg, President and CEO of Blumberg Advisory Group.

Michael is a seasoned expert in the field service industry, and he always thinks forward to what's down the road and what leaders should focus on.

During the conversation, the two discuss a wide range of topics related to the role of service marketing and the importance of finding a solution to fix the disconnection that often occurs between the service leadership and the marketing leadership within service organisations.

In this exceprt, Michael and Kris analyse how organisation can research what customers want, often with the help of external consultants, in order to design and offer the right solution to their clients.

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FSN Premium subscribers and FSN Elite members can access the full-length interview plus many, many more in the Field Service New Digital Symposium.  If you have an FSN Premium account you can access the video on the button below. If you are currently on our FSN Standard subscription tier you can upgrade your subscription by clicking the link below. 

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Further Reading: