AUTHOR ARCHIVES: Claudine Mosseri

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How local stores need support in the wake of high street bank closures

Jul 30, 2019 • FeaturesManagementRetailbyboxCashless SocietyClaudine Mosserifield servicefield service managementService ManagementUK

Retail in the UK is changing rapidly and it is placing ever greater importance on same-day-fix requirements of solution providers writes Claudine Mosseri, General Manager, Field Services, ByBox explains...

The Engineering Skills Shortage: Why Are Engineers Being Used To Shop Rather Than Fix?

Jun 28, 2019 • FeaturesbyboxParts Pricing and Logistics

Claudine Mosseri, General Manager, ByBox reflects on research that they have recently conducted that shows that in the face of an engineering skills shortage, efficiency in the field service sector is more important than ever...

Maintaining Tech Is Keeping The High- Street Alive And Kicking...

Nov 07, 2018 • FeaturesRetailbyboxClaudine Mosserifield servicefield service managementfirst time fixService ManagementField Service TechnologiesParts Pricing and LogisticsManaging the Mobile Workforce

Claudine Mosseri outlines how in an age of increasing consumer power it is critical field service engineers are able meet SLAs and explains how technology in service logistics is making that happen...

Delivering reductions to inner city congestion

Jun 14, 2018 • FeaturesbyboxClaudine Mosserifield servicefield service managementInner City CongestionService ManagementParts Pricing and Logistics

Inner city congestion has long been a major cause for consternation for field service organisations, but with environmental factors such as air pollution becoming increasingly high on the political agenda of many countries across Europe and beyond,...

Using data and technology to tackle emissions and reduce waste in field service

Nov 14, 2017 • FeaturesbyboxCarbon EmissionsClaudine MosseriParts Pricing and Logistics

Claudine Mosseri, General Manager, ByBox explains how the use of technology and Big Data has allowed field service to lower emissions and reduce environmental impact...


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